Firefighting Robots Manufacturing

The first company with a Arabian investment

Since its inception, the company has sought to manufacture, design, and assemble robotics technologies, with a focus on attracting local and international competencies and expertise, inspired by its vision from the experiences and passion of the company's founding team, and the company's investors' aspiration towards local Arabian technical content.

Our goals

- The company aims to contribute to the promotion and support of the civil defense sector in an effort to reduce the loss of life and property through the use of high-tech robots

- The company is working to provide all sectors that have a need for advanced robots to support them in extinguishing fire and limiting its spread.

- Supporting the civil defense with robots that enable the effectiveness and ability of firefighters in any remote area or in an industry

With the diversity and multiplicity of types of fires

- Whether in warehouses containing highly flammable goods

- Or those with toxic substances or those that affect human life, or those that contain fuel tanks and others

- In the worst cases and scenarios, the fire takes a heavy toll financially and leads to loss of life


- Robots are the best possible way to protect the lives, wealth and surroundings of humans

- And the possibility of using a robot makes it easier for firefighters to get to the heart of the matter

Our morals


We are constantly innovating new solutions to your problems


We put our customers at the heart of our thinking to meet your requirements


We do what we say and say what we do


We are always by your side to provide you with customized service

We have experience and ability in design and manufacturing

Specialized in manufacturing fire fighting robot technologies


By designing the mechanical parts ourselves, we push the boundaries of optimization, enabling us to offer the most compact and efficient robot on the market


We've designed a computer optimized specifically for the uses and limitations of our bot. It allows full control of every function of the robot according to the wishes of our customers


We also designed the software that drives the robot and are constantly adapting it to the specific operational requirements of each of our customers


We care about supporting our customers before, during and after their robot purchase. That's why we've developed a suite of programs and processes to improve pre- and post-sales support